FDOT District Six Hosts 95 Express Safety Press Conference
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Six held a news conference to announce recent safety improvements on 95 Express.
District Six Secretary Jim Wolfe reported the progress made along the roadway at a media briefing held at the SunGuide Transportation Management Center on Tuesday, August 22. He emphasized that future and ongoing improvements, such as the construction of Emergency Stopping Sites (ESS) along 95 Express, would further improve conditions along the roadway making the facility safer for all users.
District Six partnered with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) and launched the safety initiative with a joint press conference in summer 2016. The initiative consisted of a targeted approach for education, enforcement and engineering. In addition to replacing express lane markers (ELM) separating the express lanes from the non-tolled general use lanes and reducing the space between ELMs along the roadway, District Six and FHP held a public safety campaign to increase driver awareness about the consequences of illegal lane changing. FHP increased their presence by adding more troopers along the facility.
As a result of the safety initiative, the facility saw a decrease in illegal lane changing by 86 percent and a 33 percent decrease in driver crashes. ELM replacements also has been reduced by 92 percent.