The District Six TSM&O Office Hosts Tour for FDOT Days Event
The District Six Office recently hosted the annual FDOT Days event in Miami-Dade County.
FDOT Days serves as an “open house” for municipal partners to visit District Six and learn about the latest project developments and initiatives that are being managed by the agency. The three-hour event was kicked off by District Secretary, Ms. Stacy Miller, P.E., who made opening remarks and welcomed attendees. This was followed by several program updates from Traffic Operations, Maintenance, Construction, Modal Development, Permits, and other District Offices. District representatives talked about their respective projects and answered numerous questions from the audience. The goal was to introduce District Six to first time attendees and promote continued collaboration between our partners. The event ended with a tour of the SunGuide Transportation Management Center (TMC) for a behind-the-scenes look at the District’s real-time traffic management program. Tour guests had the opportunity to see the control room in action and learn about the innovative services being managed by the TMC on a daily basis.
For more information about the 2023 FDOT Days event, please visit: https://www.fdotmiamidade.com/fdot-days