September 2014 – Andy Diaz

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September 2014 – Andy Diaz

The District Six Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Office is happy to name Andy Diaz as the Road Ranger of the Month for September 2014.


Mr. Diaz has been a Road Ranger for more than five years and is considered a seasoned professional among his peers.


His professionalism was put on display recently when he and a fellow Road Ranger were managing an incident scene on the shoulder of Interstate 95 and the tow truck was hit by a passing vehicle. Even though he sustained minor injuries as a result, he remained calm, went onto relocate the affected vehicles and cleared the event. Mr. Diaz’s control of the situation exemplifies his professionalism and commitment to his role as a service patrol.


Andy is in good health and is working his regular shifts.


Thank you for your service, Andy!


Please remember, Florida’s Move Over Law requires drivers on a multi-lane interstate highway to vacate the lane closest to an emergency or law enforcement vehicle parked along the roadway if it is safe to do so.