FDOT Launches Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow Campaign

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FDOT Launches Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow Campaign

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Six Community Traffic Safety Team (CTST) Office launched their annual “Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow” safety campaign this summer.  


The three-month campaign lasts from July to October and provides safety tips on how to share the road with cyclists and pedestrians. It consists of outreach events, educational materials, and social media posts to promote these messages in the community. To expand their reach, the District built on previous efforts and increased their strategic partnerships with members of the law enforcement community, local universities and private companies. This effort paid off as the District secured one of its highest partnership rates to date.


The campaign kicked off July 26 with a series of e-mail blasts and community events for targeted outreach. These efforts allowed the District to engage with the public and provide educational brochures and tip cards for their use. The District also began posting through social media to further disseminate the message via short videos and public service announcements. The CTST Office is leveraging its partnerships by asking them to post and re-post these materials in their own channels and social media platforms as well.


The District will distribute a partner survey toward the end of the three-month mark to gage key metrics including total events and impressions. It will conclude the campaign with a full report that will be released in October. FDOT remains committed to educating the public about important safety topics in the community. It supports various campaigns throughout the year including Drive Safe, Put It Down, Ride Smart, and Operations S.T.R.I.D.E., among others. For more information about these efforts, please visit: www.fdotsafetyresources.com