FDOT District Six Participates in TSM&O Leadership Forum
District Six recently participated in a leadership forum to share ITS experience in the emerging field of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O).
The forum is part of a national effort sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), who in partnership with the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is working to promote TSM&O program principles and best practices across the country. The forum’s goal was to equip attendees with the knowledge and tools they will need to implement the TSM&O strategies that will improve their regional transportation systems.
The forum was held in Atlanta, Georgia and focused on the southeast United States. It was attended by 32 inter-disciplinary leaders from six states, including Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. District Six was asked to present on its TSM&O efforts because of the advancements it has made in south Florida. The District shared its experience launching the first express lanes project and how its operational success prompted its expansion into the southeast Florida express lanes regional network. The District credited following such TSM&O program principles like multi-agency collaboration, developing business practices and managing project performance for helping it build the express lanes network as well its current efforts into arterial management.
The District shared additional lessons learned and participated in a series of interactive workshops and team discussions during the course of the two-day forum. The meeting proved a valuable learning opportunity for all attendees and District Six will be attending the follow-up session scheduled in May.