FDOT District Six Observes Crash Responder Safety Week

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FDOT District Six Observes Crash Responder Safety Week

The Florida Department of Transportation District Six Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) Office participated in Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW), which took place November 14 through 18, 2022.


The national initiative urges the public to practice safe driving and to stay vigilant of incident response workers during active roadway crash scenes. All responders, including fire rescue, law enforcement, maintenance crews, Road Rangers, and others, play a vital part in ensuring that all road users have access to safe and clear roadways. This year, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) created the theme, “Respect our Roadside Heroes” to help humanize first responders and to amplify the message that roadway safety is everyone’s responsibility.


The District Six TSM&O Office created video testimonials of Road Rangers and Incident Response Vehicle (IRV) Operators talking about the favorite part of their jobs. The videos showcase their longstanding dedication to the field and give viewers an opportunity to learn more about them. The videos were included in a week-long social media campaign that were published along with several news items, articles, and dynamic message signs postings.


FDOT also supported this initiative through various efforts across the state. They sent out a press release and conducted media events to raise awareness. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a proclamation letter for CRSW this year. The letter was issued to officially commemorate the Governor’s support for this important effort in our state. For more information about CRSW, please visit the FHWA’s page here. To view the Road Ranger Appreciation video, click here.