District Six Launches Interactive Dashboard on SunGuide.info
The District Six TSM&O Office launched an interactive dashboard for all roadways actively managed by the SunGuide Transportation Management Center (TMC). The dashboard is titled “TMC At-A-Glance” and provides statistics for all roadways managed in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties.
The dashboard features six categories: Total Traffic Events, Lane Blockage Events, Roadway Clearance Times, number of Road Ranger Responses, number of Road Ranger Activities, and Road Ranger Average Response Times. Users can filter the data in multiple ways by roadway, month, and year to get this information in near real-time.
This is the second interactive dashboard on SunGuide.info. The Incident Management dashboard was launched in October 2019 as part of the Traffic Incident Management Team page. The interactive dashboards make data sharing with the public easier. They are powered by business intelligence technology that aggregates and analyzes data collected by the SunGuide TMC. Incorporating these features on the website lowers the barriers between the public, other stakeholders, and FDOT. It also demonstrates the Department’s accountability and transparency in how it uses its resources to manage daily traffic.