District Six Launches Connected Incident Response Vehicle Technology for Roadway Incidents

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District Six Launches Connected Incident Response Vehicle Technology for Roadway Incidents

District Six launched a pilot project to improve traveler information efforts and safety on our highways. The project installed connected incident response vehicle technology on the fleet of Incident Response Vehicles (IRV) to connect them with traffic navigation applications like Waze.


The technology uses equipment connected to the IRV’s arrow board, the large multi-directional arrow sign on the back of the vehicle, to transmit when the board is activated. Once the IRV operator activates the board to manage an event, the equipment sends an alert to nearby drivers on the highway. The pilot project will be evaluated to determine project benefits and potential expansion.


This initiative is an example of Infrastructure to Vehicle (I2V) communication. I2V connects motorists with roadway infrastructure in real-time through the transmission of information that drivers can use to make better decisions or introduce new information, like upcoming incidents, into their commute.


Additionally, projects like this aid in keeping incident managers safe by giving drivers more advance warning of active incidents and increasing the public’s compliance of the “Move Over” law. This project represents the Department’s commitment to incorporating new strategies and technologies to enhance driver experience and increase the reliability of our roadways.