District Six Hosts Virtual Safety Course For TIM Responders

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District Six Hosts Virtual Safety Course For TIM Responders

The TSM&O Office recently provided first responders with a safety course that focused on standardizing Traffic Incident Management (TIM) strategies and improving stakeholder communication while on the scene.


The four-hour National TIM Responder Training course was developed by the Federal Highway Administration through the second-generation Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2). The course provides a platform for partner agencies to better understand each other’s roles and responsibilities. It is designed to promote cross-agency education to improve scene safety and reduce secondary crashes. Attendees ranged from the Department of Environmental Resource Management, Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, and others. The course is open to all responders and is provided on a quarterly basis throughout the year. It covers key topics including TIM Fundamentals and Terminology, Notification and Scene Size-Up, Safe Vehicle Positioning, Scene Safety, Command Responsibilities, Traffic Management, Special Circumstances, and Clearance and Termination.


Attendees receive a certificate of completion which shows they have been trained in the latest strategies and information. For more information about all TIM-related news and events, please visit the TIM Section of www.sunguide.info.