May 2011 – Jose Guerra

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May 2011 – Jose Guerra

Jose Guerra was selected as Road Ranger of the Month for his exemplary performance during May 2011.


Mr. Guerra is the ultimate example of how to provide excellent service to South Florida motorists. He’s constantly vigilant while patrolling Miami-Dade’s roadways, always looking for disabled motorists or roadway hazards that could potentially risk motorist safety. When at incidents, he takes care of motorists with a smile on his face and does his best to get the job done efficiently and safely.


He does the same when working with his co-workers, or teammates, as he would call them. “Jose is all about his team and accomplishing whatever goals we have out there on the road as safely as possible,” said a fellow Road Ranger. “He makes sure we’re all on the same page, and without a doubt, it’s made us work better as a team.”