Two Miami Road Rangers are Recognized by Governor Scott > News  > News Flash  > Two Miami Road Rangers are Recognized by Governor Scott

Two Miami Road Rangers are Recognized by Governor Scott

Florida Governor Rick Scott honored two Road Rangers for their services in helping the motoring public of Miami-Dade County.


The Road Rangers, Carlos Alce and Rene Verdecia, received personally signed letters from the Governor for their efforts in helping a stranded driver on April 4. The Road Rangers spotted the vehicle along southbound Interstate 95 and immediately went to work securing the scene and changing the vehicle’s flat tire. Within minutes, the event was cleared and the driver was on his way to his destination. The driver, pleased with his experience, went on to address a letter of appreciation that was eventually communicated to the Governor’s office.


“I would like to commend you for your diligence and courtesy you have shown Florida’s travelers in need of emergency assistance,” Scott said in the letters addressed to both rangers. “Your ability to instantly respond helped a fellow Floridian in an extraordinary way.”


The Road Ranger Service Patrol Program is a free service provided by the Florida Department of Transportation. The Program aims to keep the roadways clear of travel lane blocking events to improve mobility and safety.