The Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Annual Report is Now Available! > News  > News Flash  > The Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Annual Report is Now Available!

The Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Annual Report is Now Available!

The FDOT District Six TSM&O Program Office has published its Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2015/2016 (FY 15/16).


The report highlights the achievements the office completed in this time frame. It covers the evolution from the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program into the TSM&O Program which promotes a more comprehensive, multi-modal approach to congestion management.


The SunGuide Transportation Management Center’s (TMC) control room reconfiguration is featured including how its redesign improved the existing workspace by adding more operator and manager workstations to support the Program’s continuing growth. The report also details the software and operational improvements made in support of current operations and in preparation for the launch of 95 Express Phase 2 and the various arterial management projects planned for the following fiscal year.


The TSM&O Annual Report is filled with helpful statistics about the Program’s primary functions: ITS Deployments, TMC Operations, Incident Management, IT/ITS Maintenance, and Traveler Information. It also provides a look-ahead for what is sure to be another exciting year in the District’s TSM&O Program. Make sure to check it out today!
View the 2015/2016 TSM&O Annual Report here.