Rafael Chipi November 2024

SunGuide.info > News  > Road Ranger of the Month  > 2024  > Rafael Chipi November 2024

Rafael Chipi November 2024

The District Six Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) Office is happy to announce that Mr. Rafael Chipi is the Road Ranger of the Month for November 2024.


Mr. Chipi joined the Road Ranger Service Patrol Program earlier this year. He has shown a tremendous drive to learn everything about the job and become a valuable asset to the team. He is valued by his peers for his professionalism and willingness to help others. Mr. Chipi likes being a Road Ranger because every day presents a new challenge.


He is grateful to be part of a team that adds value to the incident management community and makes a positive difference for motorists in South Florida.


Thank you, Rafael for the excellent work you do every day!