October 2010 – Israel Sanchez

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October 2010 – Israel Sanchez

Israel Sanchez was selected Road Ranger of the Month for his exemplary performance during October 2010.


Sanchez first hit road as a Road Ranger nearly seven years ago as a pick-up truck operator on Interstate 95 (I-95). Today, he can be seen operating a flatbed on State Road 826 or I-95. Like all Road Rangers of the Month before him, he’s an excellent team player who helps the Road Ranger fleet operate like a smooth, well-oiled engine. He loves to help those in need, and he feels comfortable working on the expressways because he feels not only his fellow Road Rangers are looking out for him, but the operators at the Transportation Management Center (TMC) are as well.


He particularly recalls the time when he assisted an off-duty police dispatcher move her vehicle to the side of the road after being the victim of a hit and run crash. The dispatcher said she was usually on the opposite side of emergency calls, and was glad Sanchez was there to look out for her safety. She hugged him, and later on, wrote a letter to his supervisors, thanking him for his help and professionalism.