March 2012 – Berrington Tulloch

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March 2012 – Berrington Tulloch

Berrington Tulloch was selected as Road Ranger of the Month for his exemplary performance during March 2012.


He has been a Road Ranger for more than two years, and he can be seen patrolling Interstate 95 (I-95) in a tow truck as he monitors the highway for disabled vehicles and other roadway obstructions. He enjoys having the ability to help people in stressful situations. He does not recall a particularly memorable moment, he says, because every day presents a new incident in which he is able to not only help those in need, but help them keep calm and feel safe. His co-workers commend his approachable demeanor when assisting motorists. He never fails to show a smile, and he is the type of man who would “give you the shirt off his back,” said one co-worker.