July 2015 – Jose A. Diaz and Jose L. Diaz

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July 2015 – Jose A. Diaz and Jose L. Diaz

The District Six Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Office is proud to announce that Mr. Jose A. Diaz and Mr. Jose R. Diaz are the Road Rangers of the Month for July 2015.


Jose A. Diaz has been a District Six Road Ranger since 2009 and Jose L. Diaz has been a Road Ranger since 2010. Both drive Incident Management vehicles on all District Six roadways and, combined, have over 40 years of towing experience.


These gentlemen were chosen for their outstanding work ethic, professionalism, and attendance. Both are recognized by their fellow Road Rangers as individuals that go above and beyond to make sure motorists get back on the road as soon as possible.


Thank you both for the brave work you do every day!