FDOT District Six to Hold Annual TIM Refresher Training in January

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FDOT District Six to Hold Annual TIM Refresher Training in January

The Florida Department of Transportation District Six is holding its annual incident management refresher training course on January 20 and 21 at the District’s main auditorium.


The purpose of this refresher course is to review and discuss program guidelines with Road Rangers, Incident Response Vehicle (IRV) and Transportation Management Center (TMC) Operations Staff.


The meeting will consist of personnel introductions and an overview of the course. It will then highlight the roles and responsibilities of TMC operations staff and incident managers such as Road Rangers, Incident Response Vehicle operators and others. The goal of the course is to promote more collaboration between all team members and partner agencies. As a result, organizers will provide attendees with the opportunity to describe their roles and responsibilities as well as a chance for them to voice areas of concern or improvement. The course will also feature a table top exercise to showcase the role reversal of meeting attendees and provide them with a different perspective on incident management.


FDOT District Six holds these meetings because getting all involved parties in a room for a refresher on procedures is critical to maintaining an effective Traffic Incident Management program.