FDOT District Six Hosts Joint Miami-Dade/Broward TIM Meeting

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FDOT District Six Hosts Joint Miami-Dade/Broward TIM Meeting

The Florida Department of Transportation’s District Six and District Four Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Teams held its bi-annual joint meeting Wednesday, September 2.


The goal of this meeting is to educate partner agencies about the TIM program’s latest activities and initiatives. Representatives from across the TIM Community, including Miami-Dade Expressway Authority, Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise and FDOT attended and gave updates on their respective agencies and initiatives. Updates on regional projects, such as SR-826/SR-836 Interchange, 95 Express Phase 2 and the Port of Miami Tunnel, were also given.


TIM meetings serve as a great opportunity for attendees to raise questions and give feedback to program members. The goal of the meetings is to promote communication between regional incident management agencies and improve coordination between all members.