FDOT District Six Attends Florida’s I3 Transportation Showcase

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FDOT District Six Attends Florida’s I3 Transportation Showcase

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Six Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) staff attended the I3 Transportation Showcase in Orlando this August. The conference was hosted by the Intelligent Transportation Society of Florida (ITS Florida), the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSAFL), Florida Puerto Rico Institute of Transportation Engineers (FLPRITE), and the Women in Transportation Society (WTS).


The event’s theme was “Revolutionizing Smart Mobility” and focused on highlighting the innovative strategies that are shaping our industry. Transportation leaders gave informative presentations and shared best practices about current and future projects from around the state. The conference gave participants the opportunity to network, share their knowledge, and learn from each other’s experiences during the three-day event.


District Six staff was invited to present about the latest efforts implemented for the Traffic Incident Management Program in the region. The presentation provided a detailed overview of the District’s software that is used to track and manage incident management resources, the technology implemented on the fleet of Incident Response Vehicles providing alerts to navigation applications, the warning gates closure alert system installed on ingresses to 95 Express, and the Wrong Way Driving Detection System (WWDS) being installed on highway off-ramps. District staff also presented the Bridge Notification System (BNS) that alerts drivers about drawbridge activity that may impact their route. District Six created the system with a design that can be adapted and used by other districts statewide. The presentations were well received and attendees expressed interest in the strategies shown by the District.


The District Six TSM&O office regularly attends industry conferences because they allow staff to stay informed about the latest ideas and transportation solutions. They serve to advance the overall mission of the industry which is to provide a safe and reliable transportation system for all users in our state.