District Six Conducts Study for the Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility

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District Six Conducts Study for the Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Six Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) Office has begun coordinating with the project team that is studying the multimodal facility at the Golden Glades Interchange in Miami-Dade County.


Part of the area being evaluated is currently used to stage FDOT’s incident management vehicles and resources. These coordination meetings are critical to ensure continued accommodations, access, and support. Road Rangers and Incident Response Vehicles stage in this strategic location so they can quickly respond and clear incidents along Interstate 95 and 95 Express. This location provides a designated area where vehicles can be relocated after being involved in a crash or are disabled. Existing and planned Intelligent Transportation Systems devices such as cameras and dynamic message signs will also be coordinated to ensure continued coverage along the I-95 corridor.


The project will take advantage of the existing 34 acres of land adjacent to the Golden Glades interchange to create a multimodal center that will unite several modes of transportation including bicycle, transit, Tri-Rail, and Bus Rapid Transit service.


The center will provide increased parking and more than 10,000 square feet of retail space. It is also envisioned to have a Truck and Travel Center to support freight logistics and trucking operations with fueling depots and an expansive rest area.


This project will provide the public better access to more transportation options and improve goods movement throughout our region.