City of Miami Beach Visits SunGuide Transportation Management Center > News  > City of Miami Beach Visits SunGuide Transportation Management Center

City of Miami Beach Visits SunGuide Transportation Management Center

The FDOT District Six Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Office recently hosted a tour of the SunGuide Transportation Management Center (TMC) for City of Miami Beach officials.


The District Six Office often works with partner agencies interested in managing traffic from a multimodal and multi-agency level. In 2022, the City began their Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and Smart Parking System project. This includes a citywide deployment of ITS field equipment and establishing a TMC. The City worked with FDOT on an agreement that allows the City of Miami Beach TMC to be located within the SunGuide TMC building. The City plans to begin operating from the TMC in 2024. The tour helped give City of Miami Beach officials a behind-the-scenes glimpse of what their future in-house traffic operations will look like. It provided an overview of TMC operations and the technology used to manage traffic daily.


The Florida Highway Patrol’s dispatch center and the TMC for the Greater Miami Expressway Agency are also co-located in the SunGuide TMC building. These types of partnerships help coordinate resources and communication between partner agencies and provide a safe and reliable transportation system for all roadway users in the South Florida region.