District Six Published TSM&O Annual Report
The FDOT Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Office publishes its Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
The theme of the report is “Lessons Learned.” It provides a comprehensive overview of how the District navigated through the changing transportation landscape in southeast Florida. It details how staff adapted through the continuing implications caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, including its numerous variants and their subsequent impacts to operations. It tells how the District achieved its operational goals by refining its process and procedures to meet regional demand during this critical time. The approach proved successful, as the TSM&O Office made significant strides in its incident management, arterial operations, connected vehicles, and other traffic management efforts. Despite the pandemic, the District forged ahead and launched its first vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) project, expanded the Monroe County Traffic Signal System by assuming operations and maintenance of the State’s traffic signals in the City of Key West, and made several advancements to its first connected and automated vehicle (CAV) project, Keys COAST.
The report also details the program’s benefits to the public such as the number of traffic events managed, roadway clearance times and other important metrics. It combines program milestones with relevant data and useful graphics to showcase the District’s TSM&O operations in the fiscal year. To check out the report, click here.