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Media Kit

The TSM&O online media kit and resource page contains program materials such as factsheets, brochures and logos.


SunGuide TMC 20th Anniversary Brochure  [PDF]

A tri-fold brochure celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the SunGuide TMC



TSM&O Program Brochure [PDF]

A tri-fold brochure highlighting the TSM&O Program



Ramp Signaling Brochure [PDF]

What You Should Know about Ramp Signaling



Road Ranger Brochure [PDF]

How best to identify a Road Ranger


Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Logo [PNG]

Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Agency Logo


SunGuide Logo [JPG]

The SunGuide Logo is a registered trademark of the Florida Department of Transportation.


511 Traveler Information System Logo [JPG]

511 Traveler Information System Logo


Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Program Logo [JPG]

Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Program Logo


Incident Response Vehicle (IRV) Program Logo [JPG]

Incident Response Vehicle (IRV) Program Logo


95 Express Logo [JPG]

95 Express Logo

Fact Sheets

Program Fact Sheets [PDF]

These fact sheets provide at-a-glance information about the TSM&O Office’s programs and initiatives.


SunGuide TMC Retrofit Fact Sheet [PDF]

FDOT redesigned the SunGuide Transportation Management Center (to improve the daily traffic services in south Florida and manage traffic congestion.


Ramp Signaling Improvements Fact Sheet [PDF]

Ramp Signaling Improvements Fact Sheet


Ramp Signaling Information Fact Sheet [PDF]

Ramp Signaling Information Fact Sheet