FDOT Launches “Drive Safe Krome Avenue” Aggressive Driving Campaign
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) recently launched the “Drive Safe Krome Avenue” campaign to help counter aggressive driving along the Miami-Dade roadway.
Local law enforcement agencies, municipalities and the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) have partnered with FDOT to promote and educate the “Drive Safe Krome Avenue” message, as well as informing the public about new roadway features that will be implemented along Krome Avenue. Education efforts will be focused on the traveling public who use Krome Avenue as a major local and regional access road. The campaign launched this Fall and will approximately run through March 2015, and includes extensive media availabilities and community outreach events along the corridor and throughout the county.
Aggressive driving is defined as the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Florida Highway Patrol will be on watch for this behavior and will be cracking down on drivers who speed, tailgate, run red lights or pass without care along this road.
For more information about the Drive Safe Krome Avenue Campaign, please visit fdotmiamidade.com/drivesafe.