FDOT District Six TSM&O Office Publishes Annual Report for FY 22-23

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FDOT District Six TSM&O Office Publishes Annual Report for FY 22-23

The FDOT District Six Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Office published its Annual Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023.


The report covers the TSM&O Office’s accomplishments and looks ahead to the future as the District expands its transportation management capabilities through the implementation of innovative strategies and technologies. “Information Highway” is the theme for this annual report since roadway and motorist data have become just as important as the physical highway. The report highlights the growing role of the TSM&O Office and its position as the traffic operations and data hub for the southeast Florida region. It details the District’s mission to increase roadway safety by promoting  connectivity between partner agencies as well as between vehicles, motorists, and infrastructure. The document highlights the milestones completed to achieve this mission including the progress made on the District’s first connected and automated vehicle (CAV) project, Keys COAST, the implementation of wrong way driving systems (WWDS) on several off-ramps, the completion of the advanced alert system for the warning gates on Interstate 95, and many other initiatives.


The report covers the program’s primary functions: ITS Deployments, SunGuide Transportation Management Center (STMC) Operations, Incident Management, IT/ITS Maintenance, Traveler Information, and Public Outreach. It summarizes important statistics such as total events  managed, incident management activities, roadway clearance times, and operational performance metrics for different elements of the STMC. The report features a comprehensive section about the benefits yielded to the public in cost savings associated with a travel delay reduction. It shows the program’s roadway clearance time of 30.6 minutes is 39% lower compared to the baseline average of 50 minutes in 2005.


For more interesting facts about the program and to see what’s ahead for the upcoming year, check out the report here.