FDOT District Six ITS Office Participates in ITS Face-to-Face Meeting

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FDOT District Six ITS Office Participates in ITS Face-to-Face Meeting

The Florida Department of Transportation District Six Intelligent Transportation Systems Office participated in this year’s ITS Working Group Face-to-Face Meeting to discuss ITS related advances and the implementation of ITS statewide.


The meeting, held in February, is a yearly meeting between ITS Program Managers throughout the state to inform the group of the Department’s vision with respect to ITS guidelines, policies, procedures, standards and specifications.


Topics discussed include, but were not limited to, Operations costs, ITS Equipment Replacement costs, DMS Policy and Guidelines, ITS inventory requirements, ITS Maintenance formulas, ITS CEI Training, ITS Standards and Specifications, and more.


FDOT, its district offices, including Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise remain committed to providing motorists with the most up-to-date ITS technology and best practices to ensure that people and goods move throughout the region safely and efficiently. Meetings like this help FDOT identify long standing program initiatives and identify trends to promote growth.