District Six Participates in Transpo 2024

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District Six Participates in Transpo 2024

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Six Transportation Systems
Management and Operations (TSM&O) Office attended the Transpo 2024 conference in
Orlando, Florida this summer. The conference was a joint effort hosted by ITS Florida
and the Florida Puerto Rico District of the Institute of Transportation Engineers
(FLPRITE) bringing together transportation professionals from across the region to
share the latest projects and developments happening in the industry.


The District was selected to present in two technical sessions at the event. The first
presentation was titled “Evolution of the District Six Transportation Management Center
(TMC), Retrofitting for Growth”. The presentation showed how the District has enhanced
its center to accommodate for the growing demands of the region over the past 20
years. The second presentation was titled “District Six TSM&O Update” and provided
attendees with a general overview of the program’s current operations as well as a
preview of the upcoming arterial and freeway projects slated to launch in the next few
years. In addition to these presentations, the District received three prestigious awards
at the event: one for the creation of the Bridge Notification System, another in
recognition of the 20th anniversary of the SunGuide TMC, and a third recognizing Mr.
Leland DeBooy, who was inducted into the ITS Florida Honor Roll for his 25 years of
service as a Road Ranger.


District Six regularly attends transportation conferences like Transpo to stay informed
on the latest industry trends and share lessons learned. These conferences are a great
opportunity for the district to collaborate on new ideas with transportation professionals
from our industry and bring those solutions to south Florida.