District Six Hosts Meeting for Monroe County TIM Team
District Six hosted its annual meeting for the Monroe County Traffic Incident Management (TIM) team on June 27. The purpose of the meeting was to provide partner agencies with an update about the incident management initiatives completed this past fiscal year and discuss lessons learned.
The District Six Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) program focused their presentation on the response efforts surrounding Hurricane Irma. They talked about the actions taken before, during and after the storm to ensure continuity of operations and safety. They also detailed the lessons learned from the event and provided a status of the current recovery and maintenance efforts taking place in the area.
In addition to District Six, representatives from the Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) gave an overview of the agency’s evacuation plans. Presenters from the National Weather Service, FDOT’s Emergency Operations Center, and FDOT’s Monroe County Asset Maintenance Contractor also gave updates about their respective efforts.
The next annual meeting is schedule for June 2019.