FDOT District Six Upgrades Dynamic Messaging Signs with Color Roadway Logo Graphics
The Florida Department of Transportation District Six is now posting messages graphics on its Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) on Interstate 95 (I-95) and Interstate 195 in Miami-Dade County.
This effort was made possible after the District replaced five older DMS with new devices that have expanded messaging capabilities and improved display technology. The previous signs only allowed amber-colored text and did not support posting graphics of any kind. The new signs are made up of smaller Light Emitting Diode (LED) pixels arranged in a dense configuration which allows brighter, higher resolution, full-color text and also supports displaying graphics. The graphics include logos such as roadway shields and public service symbols.
The graphics are being used to supplement the traveler information being posted such as traffic updates, enforcement alerts and safety messages. They show highway logos in bright color display for faster recognition which is especially beneficial in south Florida due to our multi-cultural population and seasonal drivers.