FDOT District Six Wins ITS Florida Awards
The District Six TSM&O Office was recognized with two awards at the Transpo2022 event in Bonita Springs, Florida this summer.
The awards were presented by the Intelligent Transportation Society of Florida (ITS Florida) which is a professional organization that works to promote the advancement of TSM&O principles in our state. District Six was recognized with an Outstanding Achievement plaque for the SW 8 Street Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT) Project in Miami-Dade County. ITS Florida lauded the District for partnering with the county to provide a multi-agency approach to traffic signal optimization. It recognized the District’s propensity for challenging the status quo and implementing innovative strategies that improve traffic safety and mobility. The award cited how the District’s efforts worked to improve travel times on the SW 8 Street corridor, increased vehicle throughput, and reduced crash frequency along the project limits. ITS Florida also presented the ITS Champion of the Year Award to Mr. Alejandro Motta who serves as the District’s TSM&O Freeways Engineer. The organization recognized the long-standing contributions Mr. Motta has made to advance the current and future state of our industry through his work at FDOT and as a Professor at Florida International University (FIU). The organization honored him for helping to improve traffic operations in southeast Florida through his role in expanding the regional managed lanes network, improving the maintenance program, advancing incident management principles, and many others.
The District Six TSM&O Office was honored to receive these awards. The Office supports the organizations and events that work to promote the TSM&O principles and ideas on a regional and national scale.