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The District Six Road Ranger Program provides motorist assistance and incident management services along the state highway system in Miami-Dade County.


Your feedback allows us to improve our program and bring you the best SERVICE possible. 

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Road Rangers
 Yesterday, while I was driving southbound on the Palmetto Expressway on a blustery rainy day (actual downpour) I saw 2 Road Ranger trucks, and observed the Rangers, getting soaked in that horrible weather and dangerous heavy traffic conditions, placing orange cones along the road because there was a disabled vehicle. I am sharing this with you because if there is any way you can let them know that they are incredibly appreciated by this humble Miami-Dade County resident who personally sees them assisting others in very perilous situations. There is not enough money that I could be offered to do the job they do. They are everyday heroes in my book. – Maria, Miami
Road Rangers
I have a commendation. A couple of months ago I got a flat tire on the HOV ramp heading South to Miami. Worst timing ever! I had my wife and 16-month old in the car and it started to rain. I called Lexus roadside to help since I had a baby in the car. I began to unload the car when #633 “Carlos” arrived. I could not believe how quick he arrived. He said they saw me on the cameras and sent him to help. Before I knew it, I was back on the road. Carlos would not take a tip, he was extremely friendly and helpful. Please give him a raise!! I am very grateful for him and the Road Rangers! – M. Forsythe, Miami
Road Rangers
A Road Ranger named Clay (still remember his name…says a lot) rescued me some 15 years ago broke down in my ’65 Barracuda on Alligator Alley in the middle of the night. A few days ago, on my way in to work 7am, Leo in #635 and D. in #633, rescued me as my car got hot and I was forced to pull into the breakdown lane of the expressway. Not only did they get me towed safely off the road in 15 minutes, but also repaired the hose that had come loose enabling me to still arrive to work ontime. Being a MDCPS teacher this really means a lot. Thanks! – S. Dalis, Miami
Road Rangers
Good Evening, My 18-year old daughter was involved in her first automobile accident this afternoon. She was north bound on the State Road 826 close to the 58 Street exit. She was a bundle of nerves and crying, all alone. Did I mention it was with an 18 wheeler? I cannot say enough about the excellent service provided by the Road Ranger, Mr. Jim Leland. After making sure the cars and drivers were safe and not obstructing traffic, he helped calm my daughter down and was very kind to her. He went above and beyond! I’m ever so grateful, that in my absence, Kristen had someone who was there to help her. I wanted to express how relieved I am to know that the Road Ranger Program exists and that it is managed and operated by such kind hearted and loving individuals. The Palmetto Expressway is definitely not a place were I would have wanted my daughter to be stuck at alone. Thankfully Jim was there super fast! Jim is definitely our hero tonight. Thankful from Hialeah, – M &K Andreu
Road Rangers
My tire had a blow out and I called my insurance for help, but a Road Ranger named Henry with Truck#603 spotted me and stopped to assist me and thus beating my insurance company to me. Henry was very polite and profesional, he addressed the situation and promptly started changing my tire. Thank you Henry and all road rangers. – M. Pereira, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
Darce Diaz and his colleagues today were first rate. Extremely professional and courteous. I blew a tire on I-95 where there was a very limited shoulder, a precarious spot. It took only 5 minutes for a crew to spot me and only another 5 minutes for a backup. I was safely swept away, tire changed and I was off. This is what’s the best in government. – A. Sullivan, Coconut Grove, FL.
Road Rangers
Driving down south (heavy rainy day) on I-95 express lanes, close to the 112 expressway – for some time my car kept making this loud squeaky noise and I suddenly smelled burned rubber so I stopped immediately and pulled over to the left emergency lane. Not knowing what to do with the rainy weather just sitting there hoping for a miracle. Eight minutes or so later I look over my rear view mirror and a Road Ranger truck was pulling over to my rescue!! The sun shined over my head and I felt truly blessed!! He (Mack) asked me what was wrong and requested a tow truck right away. My car was towed 5 minutes after that by Filiberto Darce ;-)!!! Wow!!! speak of great service!!! Thank you FDOT!!! Sincerely, – A. Alvarado, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
My car broke down in a very unsafe area of 826 with literally no shoulder. The Road Ranger, Manny(#637) was behind my car in about five minutes, successfully blocking traffic behind so as not to injure me or my vehicle. I had already called my own personal towing service, but he called another Road Ranger with a flat bed and had my car towed to a safe area while I sat in the warm vehicle. Manny was very polite, very efficient and basically made the possible stressful experience a very smooth one. I felt very well taken care of and am a proud Miami motorist knowing people like Manny are there to help. Thank you to the Road Ranger program and specifically Manny for all you do to keep Miami roads safe! Merry Christmas!!! – C. Barbier, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
Road Rangers
I was on the expressway on palmetto heading south with my 1 y/o son taking him to the Doctor when my SUV had a flat tire. It was rush hour at 9:00am on Monday. I had called AAA for assistance and was told they would try to be there in 30 minutes or so. After waiting 15 min, road ranger showed up and kindly assisted me and changed my tire. His name is Manny Collazo and I am so appreciative of his excellent service and attention. I received better attention and service than what AAA supplied me. I now mention it to everyone I know of he service RR supplies and how great this is for anyone, but particularly for me in such a moment of desperation. — J. Pedigron, Miami
Road Rangers
On Saturday, 9/11/10, I was heading Southbound on I-95 in the express lanes and my car broke down just before the 125th Street exit, leaving me stranded against the wall with cars and buses speeding by me and my wife. It is not a position that you want to be in, and when you are stuck, not one that you can extricate yourself from. I was so relieved when the FDOT Road Ranger showed up to assist. Jose was the Road Ranger who showed up and he got an FHP patrol car to block the lane and then escorted my wife and I from our car and put us in his truck. He towed us off the highway and out of dangerous situation. I appreciate everything that Jose did for us and his professionalism in doing his job. Thank you for providing this service. — S. Cohen, Aventura, FL
Road Rangers
I want to thank the FDOT for the Road Ranger Service. This morning I was on my way to work in the Southbound I-95 Express Lane in Miami when my tire blew out. It was a scary experience. I called *FHP and within 3 minutes, the Road Ranger arrived, I think his name was Ernest. He gave clear instructions on what was going to happen and called a backup Ranger (Michael Cowart) to assist. Within an hour, I was ready to head on to work. I’m very thankful to FDOT for providing this service. It’s great to see our tax dollars pay off. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! — A.Simmons
Road Rangers
I had a flat tire due to a piece of metal that got stuck on my tire while driving on the State Road 826 (Palmetto Expressway), we called and within 5 minutes or less the Road Ranger came to assist me. He was very courteous and friendly. It’s a great service! His name was Donald Trujillo. – Pilar, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
My ranger is #637, Manny Collazo. Though I have AAA he arrived first and waited patiently until I got tired of waiting for service. He was efficient, professional and fast in getting me on my way. Fantastic service and employee. Do not know how to praise the work he did for me today. – A. Aguilera, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
Last night I had a flat tire and 2 of your trucks responded, #608 and #638, they were both wonderful and I think you all provide an important and essential service. I truly want to thank you for all that you do. – J. Etkin, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
Our tire blew out this afternoon as we were traveling north on 826. Not long after we pulled over to try to figure out what to do, Donald Trujillo (truck #638) pulled up and literally saved the day. He was so helpful and had us back on the road in no time. Thank you Donald!!! So glad you were there. – A. Pears, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
Today I was traveling on the Palmetto Expressway and my front right tire blew up. I stopped, but 5 minutes after the Road Ranger stopped. The driver was very nice, very courteous [and] he went out of his way to help me, explaining to me what what happened. I am an older lady and I was very nervous. His name is V. Collazo, operator #637. I really would like to commend him on a job well done. At that moment he was like an angel sent from above. Thank You! – M. Sirven, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
On Saturday, May 22, my Lincoln LS sustained a pretty catastrophic blowout on the left-rear in the express lanes of Northbound I-95 Miami, somewhere below 125th St. I managed to maneuver the car across traffic to the right hand shoulder. I summoned AAA for the car and a taxi for my passenger, whom I was driving to a hospital. Within minutes your Road Ranger truck laid out cones behind us and pulled up close, driven by a terrifically helpful guy with “Duke” written on his shirt. He said we couldn’t wait for AAA because it was an unsafe situation. He then changed the tire and, at my request, directed me to the 135th Street exit with instructions to an intersection where two tire dealers were anxious to serve. Duke — your Alex Doque, Truck 602 — was polite, quick, helpful, aware of safety, and to my surprise, declined my offer of a $20 bill for what I considered extraordinary help. As a Florida taxpayer who never before experienced highway service, I now know one new way that we all get our money’s worth from Road Rangers. Good job. — F. Murray, Cape Coral, FL
Road Rangers
I was trapped on Interstate 95 due to a blow out in my tire. The Road Ranger was very helpful and went above and beyond his required duties. — L. Edgington, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
This morning I had a flat on 826, I was almost to work and I heard a rumbling noise, I pulled over and lo and behold it was a flat tire. I was on the phone with road services and dreading the wait when a ranger pulled up behind me. It was an answer to my prayer because I did not want to wait an hour for someone to come. Road Ranger Manny, my guardian angel, immediately took charge, secured the vicinity and replaced my tire. It was speedy, precise and very professionally done. I am so happy, you have people out there like Manny who not only does his job but make you feel safe and secure while the process is being done. Thank you Manny from the bottom of my heart. Bettye from Miami near Flagler. – B. Mandrell, Miami, FL
Road Rangers
WOW! I got a flat tire in the express lane during rush hour on I-95 north. I called Road Rangers and they arrived in 6 minutes! Paul and Ralph Etienne help me and we so very nice and gave such excellent customer service. They made sure my son and co-worker got out of the car safely. They took us to a safe area where family could come help us. The took the spare out for us. I want to let you know because they were not only kind, but extremely professional. Please recognize these two. Also wonderful was the dispatcher and the two other trucks that were waiting for us with air for the spare tire. Thank you for wonderful service! – E. Dubon, North Miami, FL
Road Rangers
On Monday of this week my car broke down at Ives Dairy on Interstate 95..and let me tell you this the Road Ranger that assist me, Alejandro, was very patient and helpful…I hope that you’re recognizing your Road Rangers. – B. Gentles, Miami
Road Rangers
I want to thank you and your crew for “rescuing” me from the Express Lanes this past week. Happy Holidays to you and yours. – B. Jinks, North Miami
Road Rangers
Last night I ran out of gas on I-95 heading Northbound at 119th Street. Mr. Israel Sanchez appeared. He was kind and professional and helped me get my car to a safe place and get gas. I just wanted you to know that he’s a good guy and was so helpful. You are lucky to have him as an employee. – R. Kane, Miami
Road Rangers
I just wanted to thank you guys again for your speedy assistance on the road today. I was truly impressed with how quick, efficient and safe you guys worked!! – P. Da Silva
Road Rangers
I just wanted to thank you guys again for your speedy assistance on the road today (I had the Mazda with the flat tire on the side of the express lane). I was truly impressed with how quick, efficient and safe you guys worked!! – P. Da Silva